Just to let people know, the expected field for the MLK is as follows:
Rochester (4)
Bowling Green
Chicago (4)
Wash. U. (2)
Michigan State
Brock U.
Carnegie Mellon
Pitt (3)
U-Iowa (2)
If you are not on this list but plan to come, please let me know by
this coming Sunday at the latest. If you are on this list but are not
planning to come or are not planning to send the specified number of
teams, let me know that too. Reply to akemezis at umich dot edu.
Now for the grousing. The no-penalty deadline for the tournament is
this coming Sunday. Out of a field of 26 teams, I have currently
received exactly two packets. Those are from Chicago A and Bowling
Green, to both of which teams I am exceedingly grateful. As for
everyone else, please get moving. There are only two and a half weeks
until the tournament. This is a very large event, and if I do not
receive packets soon, it will be very difficult to ensure that the
questions read at the tournament will be appropriate in either
quality or quantity.
Once again, please send packets to akemezis at umich dot edu.