The Oklahoma State University College Bowl team will host this year's Oklahoma
NAQT State Championship on 9 April 2005 at the Stillwater campus.
Matches will start at 9 a.m. Teams are guaranteed at least 10 untimed, 20-question
rounds with elimination rounds at the end of the day. The top three large and small
schools will be recognized (assuming the fields are large enough), along with the top
three individual scorers overall.
The fee structure:
$70 for a school's first team, $50 for each additional team
-$10 for registering before 1 March
-$15 for each working buzzer system brought
+$15 for a copy of the question set, IS-51
+$15 late fee for schools that register after 1 April
We will accept teams through midnight on 4 April 2005. No exceptions will be made.
Teams may register via e-mail. Coaches are advised that this tournament is not
affiliated with the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association and is open to
all Oklahoma high school teams.
Questions, registration information, assistance offers or bribe attempts may be sent
to the TD at lenzy dot krehbiel at okstate dot edu or the the ATD at james dot cullin
at okstate dot edu.
Hope to see you in Stillwater!
Lenzy Krehbiel
OSUCB President, TD