Hello. A lot of the information relating to the NAQT SCT hosted by the University of Ottawa is still available through the earlier announcement on the board ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quizbowl/message/15031 ), or through the tournament website ( http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/NAQTsct05.html ). Some updates or changes are shown below: -Fees: The clock discount has been removed. Those who registered clocks before Dec. 13 can still bring the clocks for the discount. -Equipment: We have about 10 teams, but only 2 buzzers. Please bring some in, or I will have to hound the local high schools. -Moderators are still welcome, but we will have (admittedly less-experienced) U of O readers available should the need arise. We also have some high school students getting their Ontario volunteer hours through scorekeeping. I will e-mail a final cost to each school, based on what they have told me about teams, equipment, and other discounts, on Monday, Jan 31. -Registered teams: --Brock (1) --Carleton (1) --McGill (3) --Rochester (3) -Teams that have responded earlier, but no registering: --Alfred --Wilfrid Laurier Schedule: I would like to start at 9 AM. Since we don't have a large turnout, we will meet in Lamoureux 121. Finishing time ultimately depends on the format, but we hope to have 14 or 15 rounds done by 6. I will try to keep the rooms for each division as close together as possible to avoid delays between rounds. Format: Right now, we have 3 D1 teams. A fourth would be very helpful for breaking the 4-team threshold for separate brackets. It looks like D1 will end up being a triple or quadruple round-robin. D2 has the minimum 4 teams, but with about 7 or 8 teams, we will probably have a double round-robin. More teams are welcome in both divisions. The technical deadline is one week before the tournament (Jan 28), but my room reservation cancellation deadline is the business day before 2 weeks before the tournament (Jan 21). Having a complete list by that earlier date would be very much appreciated. I have provided a list of nearby hotels and places to eat in a PDF ( http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/hotelrest.pdf ). I did not include restaurants in the Byward Market or hotels outside the view of the map, but they exist, if you are interested. This may be an interest or a hindrance, depending on your perspective: Ottawa's major winter festival begins the same weekend as the SCT. There will be lots of things to see and do around the frozen Rideau Canal during your time off. However, this festival may create jams with hotels, restaurants near the canal, traffic, etc. This shouldn't affect things on U of O's campus, though. The tournament director, Ben Smith, can be contacted through uotrivia_at_... ( uotrivia -at- yahoo.ca ) for registration or questions. Hope to see you in February. Ben Smith, U of O Trivia. U of O Trivia- It's all the buzz on campus! uotrivia_at_... --------------------------------- Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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