Hey everyone, with the tournament less than three weeks away, I
figured I'd post with who has told me they are coming, either
definately or tentatively.
Dartmouth (? teams)
Williams (3 teams)
Penn (1 D1 team)
Fees are what they were in my first post, but remember that we can
always work something out, and we give all sorts of discounts to new
teams or struggling teams, etc. It is about playing.
If you are planning on coming e-mail BOTH me (danpass at brandeis .
edu) and Amy Padva (awpadva at brandeis . edu) . There are obviously
teams in the region that have yet to contact us, but that will be
Also, we can always use experienced staff, and it would be MUCH
appreciated if you can come down to help out.
I hope to see you all in Waltham in a matter of weeks.