NAQT Sectionals Southeast will be held at UT-Chattanooga on Sat.,
Feb. 5, 2005. Full details may be found in message #15077:
We have yet to hear from many of the usual suspects. Here is the
sketchy information I've received so far. Please let me know
(steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net) any additions or corrections at
your earliest convenience. Also please let me know teams'
divisions. Thanks.
Athens State 1 team, Div. ?
Berry 1 team, Div. ?
Florida 4 teams total -- 2 Div. I, 2 Div. II
Georgia 1 team, Div. I
Kentucky 1 team, Div II
Rhodes at least 1 team, Div. ??
Vanderbilt at least 1 team, Div. ??
Wofford at least 1 team -- 1 in Div. I, possibly 1 in Div. II
In the unlikely event the combined field remains this small, assuming
it would still leave us sufficient officials for two per room, UTC
would also field up to one house team in each division.