And don't feel too bad if you pass the test but don't make it on the show.
On my tryout, 100 people tried out and only 10, including me, passed. I did
pretty well in the mock game, but tanked in the interview. Definitely come
up with 5 fun stories as these are required on the registration form. Also,
make sure you come up with something better than, "I'm going to pay off
college," or "I'm going on vacation." I'd recommend "I'll cash the money
into $1 bills, put it in a bathtub, and roll in it."
As for the test, it is 50 questions from every category under the sun. I
didn't think it was that hard, but many people around me did.
Also, you have better odds trying out for the adult tournament so consider
that if the College one doesn't work out.
Good luck. I tried out in Chicago last June, so I can't try out again for
five months. But if they come near me, I am so there.