In Division I, USF A went undefeated in a double round robin but
lost the finals game to FAU. Third went to UTC, who beat FSU. Top
scorers were:
C. Borglum Borglum Masters 73.57
Kevin Bush FAU 66.88
Chip USF - A 49.38
Rob USF - A 34.38
Nap USF - A 34.38
Matt Alford FSU - A 32.00
In Division II, at the end of an eight team playoff bracket,
FSU beat Valencia and
USF beat IRCC in the Semis.
USF beat FSU in the finals to claim the 1st place trophy. South
Georgia went 8-0 in bracketed play but was upset in the playoffs
first round by IRCC.
Top Scorers were:
Pete USF - B 97.22
Zach IRCC - A 42.50
Paul Schreiber Manatee - A 42.50
Billy Beyer FSU - B 42.14
Virginia Clemmer Valencia - A 38.12
Thanks to all who attended, all who read, and Michigan for swapping
with their MLK tournament yet again. We look forward to seeing
everyone back MLK Weekend 2006. Full stats should be posted shortly