[Apologies for the inevitable cross-posting.] This is to confirm that ACF Midsouth Regionals will be hosted by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Academic Trivia Association. ACF Midsouth Regionals will be a one-day tournament on Sat., Feb 26, 2005. We'll have a trash tournament as well (ACF Detox) on Sun., Feb. 27, but of course you need not attend both. Registration begins on Sat. 2/26 at 9 AM EST in Grote 129 on the UTC campus (see below for directions.) Announcements are at 9:45; play begins at 10 AM. Much of what's below repeats what has already been stated in ACF's announcement; apologies for the redundancy. ELIGIBILITY: ACF Regionals will be an untimed academic tournament open to collegiate teams only. Teams may contain up to four players, all from the same school; each member of the team must take at least one class for credit during the school year. Full eligibility standards are listed on the ACF webpage at: http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~paik/acf/ FEES: Base fee: $100 per team Minimum fee after discounts: $60 (The $60 minimum fee also automatically applies to any team that has not played in ACF Regionals in the last three years) All A and B teams from schools which have attended ACF Regionals 2003 or 2004 are expected to submit packets. If such teams wish to compete without submitting a packet, they may do so at the cost of a $40 penalty. Please contact Jeff Hoppes (see below) by February 4th if your team would like to exercise this option. Upcoming packet deadlines are as follows: January 28th: -$20 February 4th: +$0 February 11th: $+20 Jeff Hoppes and Andrew Yaphe are serving as editors for this year's tournament. Please send your packets to jthoppes at socrates dot berkeley dot edu. We recommend you consult Subash's question- writing tips here: http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~paik/acf/subash.html. Subject distribution for packets is as follows: Literature 5/5 History 5/5 Science 5/5 Religion/Myth/Philosophy 3/3 Fine Arts 3/3 Geography/Social Sciences 2/2 More "Big Three" (science, lit, history) 2/2 Your Choice (any of the above, or trash) 1/1 Total: 26/26 Equipment discounts: -$5 per buzzer set, 1 discount per team. (Bring more buzzers, and if it turns out we're running short, we will grant additional discounts to the schools that brought extras.) Moderator discounts: -$10 per competent official Multiple team discounts: -$5 for a second team, and -$15 for each team after that ACCOMMODATIONS: The Clarion Hotel downtown does have a small block of rooms being held with a discount rate of $66/night if you.tell them you're with the UTC quizbowl tournament. The Clarion's number is (423) 756-5150. DIRECTIONS: Come towards downtown Chattanooga on I-24. Take the freeway splitoff labeled US 27 North - Downtown Chattanooga. Follow US 27 North to Exit 1A, 4th St. (Don't worry about which way to turn on 4th St. - it only goes one way.) Follow 4th St.about ½ mile. Shortly after you see the McKenzie (UTC) Arena on your right, 4th St. will bear slightly left and merge with 3rd St. Once you pass the cemetery on your right, turn at the 2nd street to the right, Palmetto St. Go two blocks and turn right on Vine St. Follow it to the last available parking lot on your right before the road is closed. Grote is the building closest to that parking lot. Enter at the back door by the dumpster; tournament HQ would be Grote 129. WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE: Same as it ever was... your tournament director is Charlie Steinhice. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (423) 877-2706 or 504-8255, or by e-mail at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net.
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