I am considering bowing to my geographical reality and moving the
location of my annual open trash tournament, FOGHAT, from my alma
mater, Missouri-Rolla, to a spot nearer to my home in Chicago's NW
suburbs. Please contact me if you represent a Chicagoland program
that would be interested in hosting FOGHAT.
FOGHAT would run on a weekend in October, 2005. The exact weekend is
not yet set. I provide the question set and prizes and act as
tournament director. I am looking for a host school to provide rooms
and some tournament staff in exchange for a share of the entry fees.
If you are interested in discussing this, please e-mail me at
jeremy_white _at_ squirrelsociety.org
Interpret Chicagoland as creatively as you like. Just for the record,
though, if all else were equal, I would optimize on shortest distance
from Barrington, IL.
Jeremy White