The University of Florida College Bowl team would like to announce
that the 2005 NAQT Florida State Championship will be held at the
University of Florida on Saturday, March 12, 2005. The top 15% of
the field will qualify for the 2005 NAQT HS National Championship
Fees and Discounts
$100 per team base fee
-$10 for each additional team after the first
-$10 for bringing a [b]fully functional [/b]buzzer system
All teams will recieve a copy of the questions from the tournament-
we will use NAQT IS-51 set.
Entries will be accepted until March 7th at midnight, afterwards
teams will be subject to a $15/team late fee, should space still be
To register or if you have any questions, please email Michael
Napier at napier at ufl dot edu