Here's the field we're expecting as of today for NAQT Sectionals
Southeast at UTC 2/5/05. Right now we're expecting 23-24 teams
total, with 10 of those in Division I:
Athens State 1 team Div. I 1 team Div. II
Berry 1 team Div. II
Emory 1 team Div. I
Florida 2 teams Div. I 2 teams Div. II
Florida State 2 teams Div. II
Georgia 1 team Div. I 1 team Div. II
Macon State 1 team Div. II
Morehouse 1 team Div. II
Kentucky 1 team Div. 1 1-2 teams Div. II
Rhodes 1 team Div II
South Florida 2 teams Div. I
Tennessee 1 team Div. II
Vanderbilt 1 team Div. I 1 team Div. II
Wofford 1 team Div I
Again, UTC will field house teams if we have sufficient officials,
but I'm guessing otherwise.