Hello, this is to confirm that the premiere preparatory tourney for
both ACF and NAQT
Nationals this year, the Manu Ginobili Open, will be held at the
University of Chicago on
Saturday, March 12th, 2005. I have had commitments from some very
powerful collegiate
teams and former players and there are a number of free agents
floating around as well,
so I just wanted to urge folks who think they might want to come to
contact me soon. I
would also like the people who I've communicated with earlier to
email me and reconfirm.
Again, all questions will be written by Leo Wolpert and myself, there
will be "power-type"
tossups, huckleberry pie, and many rounds of Chicago Open level qb
action all for 80
bucks (it's like a knowledge fire-sale for pete's sake). Because of
limited space and
moderators, however, I want to cap the field at 10-12 teams so it
pays to let me know
what the deal is sooner rather than later. If you need to reach me
I'm at eberdich at umich
do edu.
thanks and I hope to see many of you there,
Ezequiel Berdichevsky
--just kidding about the pie