I hear all the NAQT members meet in a secret room in the Cathedral
of QuizBowl and hold a days long congress on the subject. All the
while black smoke comes out of the chimney of the building. When
they've selected a field, the smoke turns white, signifying to
anxious onlookers that a field is selected.
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Michael Angelo Sorice"
<msorice_at_u...> wrote:
> --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Matt Keller" <mkeller99_at_h...>
> >
> > So I wonder how NAQT will compare the DI teams that played on DII
> > questions with the rest of the DI teams? It's kind of hard to
> > objectify that.
> I wonder how NAQT will compare any team to another, other than
> "cryptically."
> MaS