This is the full announcement for the spring Virginia-Virginia Commonwealth tournament, J'ACCUSE or Joint Academic Competition Clubs' Unnamed Spring Event, which will be held at the campus of the University of Virginia in sunny Charlottesville on April 23 under the joint auspices of the Virginia and VCU quizbowl concerns. A better-formatted version of this message, complete with gaudy color coding, is available at . This will be an low-difficulty, packet-submission academic event open to all teams of students currently enrolled at the same institution. Lesser packet requirements are available for new players. While all teams will play in the same field, the highest-finishing team composed entirely of undergraduates and the highest-finishing team composed entirely of first- and second-year players will be recognized. To register, submit a packet, or ask a question about the packet requirements, mail Matt Weiner at mattweiner_at_... . Questions about getting to and lodging in Charlottesville should be directed to SR Sidarth at srs9t_at_... . Difficulty-wise, we are looking for something at the lower end of the norm. Teams at the high end of the field should find tossup leadins and the hardest parts of bonus questions challenging, while the teams at the bottom of the field should be able to answer all tossups by the final clue and receive at least 10 points on any bonus. Submit packets as .doc or .rtf to Matt Weiner at mattweiner_at_.... Please format according to the samples at; take special care to avoid using tabs or autoformatting, to arrange your bonus questions as shown, and to list all alternate acceptable answers including the names of non-American things in their original language. FEES Experienced teams are teams with any player who participated in a collegiate tournament in the spring 2003 semester or earlier. Novice teams are composed entirely of players whose first collegiate tournament was in summer 2003 or later. For the above definitions, CBI and trash experience do not count against players who would otherwise be considered novices. Base team fee: $90 for experienced teams, $70 for novice teams Buzzer discount: -$10 for each set with eight working activators One-way travel of more than 300 road miles as determined by Mapquest: -$20, and -$10 for each further 100 miles. Packet discounts and penalties: Experienced teams are required to submit a full packet (24/24). Novice teams are required to submit half a packet (12/12). Packet submitted by March 26: -$40 for experienced teams, -$30 for novice teams Packet submitted by April 2: -$15 for experienced teams, -$10 for novice teams Packet submitted by April 9: No penalty deadline. Packet submitted by April 16: +$40 for experienced teams, +$30 for novice teams No packet submitted by April 16: Dropped from field. Minimum fee: $20. Packet requirements for experienced teams (24/24): Literature: 5/5 with at least 1/1 each of American, British, other European, and non-Western, and substantial variation in time period, genre, and answer type. History: 5/5 with at least 1/1 each of American and non-Western and at least 2/2 of European. Do not go overboard on war/battle stuff or names of rulers, and remember to have substantial variation in time period. Science: 5/5 with at least 1/1 each of biology, physics, and chemistry. At least 2 of your questions must be about some topic besides those three (astronomy, earth science, math, logic, and computer science being possibilities). Questions on elements, subatomic particles, and diseases are strongly discouraged; don't write them unless they are exceedingly original. You may write a maximum of 1 good, original, non-biographical science history question if you wish. Religion: 1/1 The two questions should be from different religions. Mythology: 1/1 The two questions should be from different mythologies. Philosophy: 1/1 At least one question must be on post-1500 Western philosophy. Arts: 3/3, including 1/1 on painting/sculpture, 1/1 on academic music that isn't jazz or opera, and 1/1 on remaining topics such as jazz, opera, architecture, photography, etc. Social science: 1/1. 1 question must be on a either law or economics, the second on psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, or something similar. Other 2/2: 1 question each on geography, current events, trash, and general knowledge. You may substitute a second geography or trash question for general knowledge if you wish. Packet requirements for novice teams (12/12): Literature: 3/3 with at least 1 each of American, British, other European, and non-Western, and substantial variation in time period, genre, and answer type. History: 3/3 with at least 1 each of American and non-Western and at least 1/1 of European. Do not go overboard on war/battle stuff or names of rulers, and remember to have substantial variation in time period. Science: 3/3 with at least 1 each of biology, physics, and chemistry and 1 question on something that is not one of those topics. Religion, Mythology, and Philosophy: 1/1 Choose any two. Arts: 1/1 with 1 on a visual art and 1 on an auditory art. Other 1/1: Pick any two of: social science, geography, current events, trash, and general academic knowledge. We look forward to seeing a wide range of Mid-Atlantic teams in Charlottesville on the 23rd and providing an accessible and high-quality packet set.
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