If you'd like to submit a freelance trash packet to DUCK Bowl IV,
we'll gladly reward you with a full set of this year's questions (or a
set from a previous year, if you like).
Packet requirements can be found here:
Except the distribution should be:
5/5 Movies
5/5 TV
5/5 Music
5/5 Sports
5/5 Misc
Also note we will not use power toss-ups.
Please e-mail your intent to write a freelance packet to dpuducks (AT)
yahoo (DOT) com. Packets should be completed and sent to that same
address by April 9, so you have more than a month to write and edit
your questions. We've had some great freelance help in the past, and
would welcome any we can get this year, as well.
DUCK Bowl IV staff