Hey all,
Most people are correctly inferring the distribution as being
identical to the ACF Regionals distribution. However, just to make
sure its clear, I'm posting it. We are requiring 1/1 less for the
nationals packet, so the distriution is very slightly altered:
Literature 5/5
History 5/5
Science 5/5
Religion/Myth/Philosophy 3/3
Fine Arts 3/3
Geography/Social Sciences 2/2
More "Big Three" (science, lit, history) 1/1
Your choice (including trash) 1/1
Also, a friendly reminder about the deadlines, which are fast
March 5 ... no penalty
March 12 ... +$15
March 19 ... +$25
Finally, just a quick note on div 2 eligibility. Any undergrad who has
not been to acf nationals before is eligible in division 2. Also,
there has been some talk about a div 2 and/or undergrad final, which
is possible depending on the final team count. If you are planning on
coming and bringing undergrad/div 2 teams, let me know. I will post a
list of teams in a week or so and we'll decide about finals and such.
Paul Litvak
(as always, queries to pmlitvak at gmail dot com)