ACF Nationals Deadline Reminder, Distribution, Div 2 Eligibility

Hey all,

Most people are correctly inferring the distribution as being
identical to the ACF Regionals distribution. However, just to make
sure its clear, I'm posting it. We are requiring 1/1 less for the
nationals packet, so the distriution is very slightly altered:

Literature 5/5
History 5/5
Science 5/5
Religion/Myth/Philosophy 3/3
Fine Arts 3/3
Geography/Social Sciences 2/2
More "Big Three" (science, lit, history) 1/1
Your choice (including trash) 1/1

Also, a friendly reminder about the deadlines, which are fast
March 5 ... no penalty
March 12 ... +$15
March 19 ... +$25

Finally, just a quick note on div 2 eligibility. Any undergrad who has
not been to acf nationals before is eligible in division 2. Also,
there has been some talk about a div 2 and/or undergrad final, which
is possible depending on the final team count. If you are planning on
coming and bringing undergrad/div 2 teams, let me know. I will post a
list of teams in a week or so and we'll decide about finals and such.

Paul Litvak
(as always, queries to pmlitvak at gmail dot com)

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