My apologies for the short notice on this post.
The Maryland Academic Quiz Team is pleased to announce the Tony Parker
Open, a mirror of the Manu Ginobili Open (pending me hearing back from
Ezequiel Berdichevsky), to be held March 26, 2005 in beautiful(?)
College Park. As with the original Chicago-Umich event, this will be a
modified ACF tournament with questions by M. Berdichevsky and Leo
Wolpert, and all are welcome to come and compete.
Fees have yet to be determined, as I still have to talk to Sandeep
and/or Dan about such things, but I imagine that the final cost will
end up being at or less than the $80 charged for the Manu Ginobili
tournament. There will also be discounts for buzzers/distance/small
teams/etc. I will reply to this post when fees are actually available.
For questions/comments/registration/slurs against the French*, please
shoot me an email at bhouston at umd dot edu. We hope to see you on
the 26th!
Brad Houston
TD/Official Figurehead for Tony Parker Open
*Only nothing about "surrender monkeys", please. There's so much else
about which to make fun of the French, I hate to see creative talent
being siphoned into this one meme :)