Players and Coaches --
NAQT is now accepting reservation requests for Invitational Series packet sets
(both regular and A-level) for the 2005-2006 competition year for high school,
community college, and college competitions.
More information about hosting can be found on our website at:
Based on the demand, we will decide how many sets we are producing by April 15,
2005, and then inform teams of the set they have been assigned.
To reserve a set, please e-mail us at with the name of the
tournament, approximate date, set preference (A-level or regular), and the
official contact for the event (name/e-mail/phone).
If you don't want to reserve a set (yet), but are fairly likely to host an event
in the coming year, please let us know your preferences as well.
If you have considered hosting an event using NAQT questions and would like more
information, please don't hesitate to contact us at We'd be
happy to discuss the details.
In the unlikely event that we will be unable to produce enough sets to satisfy
the demand in a region, sets will be allocated on a first-e-mailed, first-served
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC