Congratulations to Berean Christian A and Paul L. Dunbar A, winners of the varsity and junior divisions (respectively) at the 2005 Dennis Haskins Open High School Quizbowl. This was the 8th annual Haskins, held at UT-Chattanooga on March 19, 2005. Speaking for myself, it was one of the most enjoyable tournaments I've ever run, with a great attitude all around and remarkably smooth operations despite the size (38 teams in 3 buildings.) Full results follow below, but first... Special thanks go to UTC's stats demigoddess and surrogate tournament director Nikki Poarch for an outstanding job handling logistics. Thanks also to Rachel Moore for shuttling questions and scoresheets between tournament HQ and the other two buildings. Thanks go to the outstanding house reader corps we had, including Tom Michael, Dave Leach, Mark Dawson, Chris Hendry, Dren Rollins, Wes Eddings, and Scott Sanders; Northwest Shoals CC's Josh Clanton; Macon State's Steve Taylor, Travis Lightsey, and Brett Norris; and UTC's John Kilby, David Moore, Eric Fox, Ashley Rousselle, Jacob Vannucci, Jimmy Beilstein, and Zach Cross. Thanks also to the coaches who read or at least offered to read: Ruth Jackson, Steve Sessis, Mike Taylor, Bob St. John, Kay Campbell, Robin Slack, Emmaly Fisher, and Ron Smith. Thanks also go to Jeffrey Hanson & co. from Case Western Reserve University, our principal collaborators in writing the questions, and to Jeremy Rasmussen et al. from the University of South Florida for swapping material from their college tournament that same weekend. We also had many freelance contributors lending a hand. Thanks to Ray Luo et al. from Cal-Berkeley, Eric Smith et al. from Stanford, the aforementioned trio from Macon State, Mark Coen, Jason Carl Mueller, Raj Dhuwalia, Kelli Barone, Billy Beyer, Kelly Miskowski, Paul Bailey, Chuck Pearson, Jack Brounstein, Anthony Gisonda, Micha Elsner, John Solter, Chris Lin, Ray Anderson, Andrew Willey et al, from Rhodes, Anthony Napolitano, and anyone I may have omitted. As for the results: We had a total of 38 teams -- 24 in Division I and 14 in Division II (for players grades 7-10 only.) The 24 Div. I teams were split into three brackets, Zack, A.C., and Screech. Similarly, the 14 Div. II teams were split into two brackets, Jessie and Kelly. Results after the 7-round round robin were: Team Name Bracket Win Loss Points Opp Pts Diff/GM Berean Christian A I A.C. 7 - 0 2030 895 162.14 Webb I A.C. 6 - 1 2045 770 182.14 Rossview B I A.C. 5 - 2 1570 880 98.57 Murray Co. (GA) A I A.C. 3 - 4 620 1470 -121.43 Cocke Co. A I A.C. 3 - 4 1345 1035 44.29 Cocke Co. B I A.C. 2 - 5 580 1245 -95.00 McMinn Co. B I A.C. 2 - 5 850 1455 -86.43 Lincoln Co. A I A.C. 0 - 7 305 1595 -184.29 Dalton (GA) I Screech 6 - 1 1690 1085 86.43 McMinn Co. A I Screech 5 - 2 1550 1280 38.57 Daniel Boone A I Screech 5 - 2 1770 1120 92.86 Norcross (GA) A I Screech 4 - 3 1565 1320 35.00 David Crockett B I Screech 4 - 3 1580 1335 35.00 Rhea Co. I Screech 3 - 4 1010 1235 -32.14 Ringgold (GA) A I Screech 1 - 6 570 1660 -155.71 Morristown West A I Screech 0 - 7 1025 1725 -100.00 Brindlee Mtn. (AL) A I Zack 7 - 0 2405 660 249.29 Rossview A I Zack 6 - 1 2135 740 199.29 Gibbs I Zack 5 - 2 1115 1055 8.57 Oneida I Zack 4 - 3 1395 1095 42.86 Anderson Co. I Zack 3 - 4 885 1405 -74.29 McMinn Co. C I Zack 1 - 6 450 1650 -171.43 David Crockett A I Zack 1 - 6 280 1525 -177.86 Daniel Boone B I Zack 1 - 6 740 1275 -76.43 P.L. Dunbar (KY) B II Jessie 6 - 0 1545 675 145.00 Westminster (GA) A II Jessie 4 - 2 1390 755 105.83 Lincoln Co. B II Jessie 4 - 2 960 695 44.17 Murray Co. (GA) B II Jessie 4 - 2 1185 715 78.33 Morristown West B II Jessie 2 - 4 405 1015 -101.67 Norcross (GA) C II Jessie 1 - 5 295 1285 -165.00 Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C II Jessie 0 - 6 450 1090 -106.67 P.L. Dunbar (KY) A II Kelly 6 - 0 2400 310 348.33 Norcross (GA) B II Kelly 5 - 1 1470 690 130.00 Brindlee Mtn. (AL) B II Kelly 3 - 3 850 1085 -39.17 Westminster (GA) B II Kelly 3 - 3 535 1220 -114.17 Berean Christian B II Kelly 2 - 4 605 1055 -75.00 David Crockett C II Kelly 1 - 5 250 1265 -169.17 Ringgold (GA) C II Kelly 1 - 5 605 1090 -80.83 PLAYOFFS -- DIVISION I Div. I Play-In McMinn A 90 Gibbs 20 Div. I QF #1 Brindlee Mtn A 365 McMinn A 70 #8 #5 Webb 200 Rossview A 130 #4 #2 Berean A 310 Rossview B 115 #7 #3 Dalton 260 Daniel Boone A 100 #6 Div. I Semis Brindlee Mtn A 290 Webb 165 Berean A 365 Dalton 140 Div. 1 3rd Place Dalton 95 Webb 70 Div. I Finals Berean A 260 Brindlee Mtn. A 140 PLAYOFFS - DIV. II Div. II QF J2 Westminster A 295 Westminster B 20 K3 J1 Dunbar B 265 Brindlee B 70 K4 J3 Murray Co B 175 Norcross B 170 K2 K1 Dunbar A 325 Lincoln B 70 K4 Div. II Semis PL Dunbar B 235 Murray Co. B 60 PL Dunbar A 265 Westminster A 55 Div. II 3rd Place Westminster A 260 Murray Co. B 110 Div. II Finals P.L. Dunbar A 280 P.L.Dunbar B 85 All-Star awards went to the top five players in each division, with Div. II-eligible players who played in Div. I still considered as Div. II for all-star purposes. INDIVIDUAL STATS Player Team # 10 -5 Points Rounds PPG Papa Chakravarthy* P.L. Dunbar (KY) A 47 0 470 6 78.33 Pete Corley Webb 45 0 450 7 64.29 Greyson Daugherty Rossview B 42 0 420 7 60.00 Zak Losher Oneida 39 0 390 7 55.71 Ben Bales* Murray Co. (GA) B 32 0 320 6 53.33 Andy Knowler* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) A 35 0 350 7 50.00 Zach Gamble David Crockett B 35 0 350 7 50.00 Brad O'Dell Cocke Co. A 34 0 340 7 48.57 Teddy Engel Rhea Co. 31 0 310 7 44.29 Carey Cantrell* Lincoln Co. B 25 0 250 6 41.67 Victor Yang* P.L. Dunbar (KY) B 25 0 250 6 41.67 Alex Wern Dalton (GA) 29 0 290 7 41.43 Dustin McKinney Daniel Boone A 28 0 280 7 40.00 Brady Juengel Berean Christian A 27 0 270 7 38.57 Ginger Tsai Norcross (GA) A 27 0 270 7 38.57 Myles Teston Brindlee Mtn. (AL) A 26 0 260 7 37.14 Justin Decker* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) B 18 0 180 5 36.00 Mehran Yusaf* P.L. Dunbar (KY) B 21 0 210 6 35.00 John Post Anderson Co. 24 0 240 7 34.29 BJ Krug Berean Christian A 24 0 240 7 34.29 Kyle Minton David Crockett B 24 0 240 7 34.29 Ben Dodson* Norcross (GA) B 20 0 200 6 33.33 Michael Bergen Rossview A 20 0 200 6 33.33 Josh Garcia Rossview A 20 0 200 6 33.33 Devon MacDougall Webb 23 0 230 7 32.86 James Layman McMinn Co. A 22 0 220 7 31.43 Alex LaVelle Dalton (GA) 21 0 210 7 30.00 Ryan Mastin* Lincoln Co. B 18 0 180 6 30.00 Henry Bradley* Cocke Co. B 20 0 200 7 28.57 Steven Jean Gibbs 17 0 170 6 28.33 Michael Kahn* Norcross (GA) B 17 0 170 6 28.33 Lily Ye* Westminster (GA) A 17 0 170 6 28.33 Kaara Anderson Anderson Co. 19 0 190 7 27.14 David Mlaver Norcross (GA) A 19 0 190 7 27.14 Jessica Reese Daniel Boone A 16 0 160 6 26.67 Meher Juttokonda* Morristown West A 15 0 150 6 25.00 Zac Perry* Ringgold (GA) C 15 0 150 6 25.00 Richard Valentine* Berean Christian B 14 0 140 6 23.33 Maggie Pierce Gibbs 14 0 140 6 23.33 Nick Cadson* Norcross (GA) B 14 0 140 6 23.33 Tim Winslow Rossview A 14 0 140 6 23.33 Shashank Bharadwaj* Westminster (GA) A 14 0 140 6 23.33 David Floyd* Westminster (GA) B 14 0 140 6 23.33 Luke Morton Berean Christian A 16 0 160 7 22.86 Riley Denton* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C 13 0 130 6 21.67 Will Ford Daniel Boone B 13 0 130 6 21.67 Robbie Ottley* Westminster (GA) A 13 0 130 6 21.67 Aric Rininger Daniel Boone A 15 0 150 7 21.43 Jaycelyn Holland McMinn Co. A 15 0 150 7 21.43 Hannah Stuard Ringgold (GA) A 15 0 150 7 21.43 Kyle Clark* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) B 10 0 100 5 20.00 Eric Felix Gibbs 10 0 100 5 20.00 Rohit Ray* P.L. Dunbar (KY) A 10 0 100 5 20.00 Sean Dunn Ringgold (GA) A 14 0 140 7 20.00 Melanie Guthrie McMinn Co. A 13 0 130 7 18.57 Dax McKay Murray Co. (GA) A 13 0 130 7 18.57 Justin Cater Murray Co. (GA) A 13 0 130 7 18.57 Stephen Lester Daniel Boone B 11 0 110 6 18.33 Charles McCullough" Ringgold (GA) C 11 0 110 6 18.33 Nikhil Chervu* Westminster (GA) A 11 0 110 6 18.33 Chris Campbell* David Crockett C 9 0 90 5 18.00 Sachin "Thunder" Amin McMinn Co. B 12 0 120 7 17.14 Chase Goodman McMinn Co. B 12 0 120 7 17.14 Meagan White McMinn Co. C 12 0 120 7 17.14 Kasie Lewallen Oneida 12 0 120 7 17.14 Nick DeAngelis* Berean Christian B 10 0 100 6 16.67 Taylor Lamm* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C 5 0 50 3 16.67 Ruth Bales Murray Co. (GA) A 5 0 50 3 16.67 Amanda Hardin* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) A 11 0 110 7 15.71 Mark Morris* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) A 11 0 110 7 15.71 Adam Bailey Dalton (GA) 11 0 110 7 15.71 Nick Anderson McMinn Co. B 11 0 110 7 15.71 Ashley Fee Morristown West B 9 0 90 6 15.00 Nick Horn* Norcross (GA) B 9 0 90 6 15.00 Shima Dowla* P.L. Dunbar (KY) A 9 0 90 6 15.00 Colin Zhou* P.L. Dunbar (KY) A 9 0 90 6 15.00 Josh Melton Rossview A 9 0 90 6 15.00 Jake Neblett Cocke Co. A 10 0 100 7 14.29 Daniel Cogburn Cocke Co. B 10 0 100 7 14.29 Kara Bennett* Rhea Co. 10 0 100 7 14.29 Julie Baer Rossview B 10 0 100 7 14.29 Vivek Kamath* Morristown West A 8 0 80 6 13.33 John Ricker Morristown West A 8 0 80 6 13.33 Mitch McCarsky* Murray Co. (GA) B 8 0 80 6 13.33 Jhordan Gil Norcross (GA) A 8 0 80 6 13.33 Michele Hankins* Norcross (GA) C 8 0 80 6 13.33 Sameer Shervu* Westminster (GA) B 8 0 80 6 13.33 Brandon Hensley McMinn Co. A 9 0 90 7 12.86 Ryan Layman McMinn Co. C 9 0 90 7 12.86 Philip Burgess Daniel Boone B 6 0 60 5 12.00 Eric Cao* P.L. Dunbar (KY) B 6 0 60 5 12.00 Zack Stinnett* Murray Co. (GA) B 7 0 70 6 11.67 Leanne Nguyen Norcross (GA) A 7 0 70 6 11.67 Donna Cross Lincoln Co. A 8 0 80 7 11.43 Nour Joudah Rossview B 8 0 80 7 11.43 Richard Merideth Webb 8 0 80 7 11.43 Alaina Woodall* Berean Christian B 3 0 30 3 10.00 Justin Whaley* Berean Christian B 4 0 40 4 10.00 John Morgan* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C 3 0 30 3 10.00 Spencer Maden Daniel Boone A 1 0 10 1 10.00 Steve Cookenour David Crockett A 6 0 60 6 10.00 Sid Blevins* David Crockett C 3 0 30 3 10.00 Megan Jackson Lincoln Co. A 6 0 60 7 8.57 Lisa Jackson* Morristown West B 5 0 50 6 8.33 Lisa Hensey* Norcross (GA) C 5 0 50 6 8.33 Sagar Chokshi* P.L. Dunbar (KY) B 5 0 50 6 8.33 Chris Smith Daniel Boone B 4 0 40 5 8.00 Eddie Novak McMinn Co. C 5 0 50 7 7.14 Ashley Ashburn* Morristown West B 4 0 40 6 6.67 Corey Deuso* Oneida 2 0 20 3 6.67 Tyler Anderson Oneida 2 0 20 3 6.67 Jon Jeffers* Oneida 2 0 20 3 6.67 Sarah McCullough* Ringgold (GA) C 4 0 40 6 6.67 Rebecca Harris Daniel Boone A 3 0 30 5 6.00 Wes Brooksheas David Crockett B 3 0 30 5 6.00 Evan Taylor Rossview B 3 0 30 5 6.00 Brian Ellison Cocke Co. A 4 0 40 7 5.71 Lisa Tunstill Lincoln Co. A 4 0 40 7 5.71 Tiffany Rainwater* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C 3 0 30 6 5.00 Tara Stitt Dalton (GA) 1 0 10 2 5.00 Donald Pierce Daniel Boone B 2 0 20 4 5.00 Joe Wallace David Crockett A 2 0 20 4 5.00 Chris Curtis David Crockett A 3 0 30 6 5.00 Sherri Eubanks Morristown West B 3 0 30 6 5.00 Derrick Foulke* Norcross (GA) C 3 0 30 6 5.00 Chance Losher* Oneida 2 0 20 4 5.00 Courtney Wade Berean Christian A 3 0 30 7 4.29 Natalie Neas Cocke Co. A 3 0 30 7 4.29 Shauna Webb McMinn Co. B 3 0 30 7 4.29 Max Franck* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) B 2 0 20 5 4.00 Dustin Buckner* Berean Christian B 1 0 10 3 3.33 Victoria Willes* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) C 2 0 20 6 3.33 Allison Raedel David Crockett A 2 0 20 6 3.33 Danielle Miner David Crockett A 2 0 20 6 3.33 Bradley Walker* Murray Co. (GA) B 2 0 20 6 3.33 Angela Guo* Westminster (GA) B 2 0 20 6 3.33 Sarah Lewis Cocke Co. B 2 0 20 7 2.86 Whitney Sharber Ringgold (GA) A 2 0 20 7 2.86 Felicia DeBusk Anderson Co. 1 0 10 4 2.50 Stephanie Cantrell David Crockett B 1 0 10 4 2.50 Jessie Alexander* David Crockett C 1 0 10 4 2.50 Alison Stuman Gibbs 1 0 10 4 2.50 Allison Price Rhea Co. 1 0 10 4 2.50 Katherine Byrd* Brindlee Mtn. (AL) B 1 0 10 5 2.00 Mary Baker David Crockett B 1 0 10 5 2.00 Whitney Oaks Ringgold (GA) A 1 0 10 5 2.00 Melissa Maxwell Morristown West A 1 0 10 6 1.67 Amanda Nelson* Cocke Co. B 1 0 10 7 1.43 Drew Justice Anderson Co. 0 0 0 6 0.00 Eli Abner* Anderson Co. 0 0 0 4 0.00 David Bell** Berean Christian A 0 0 0 0 0.00 April Woodall* Berean Christian B 0 0 0 2 0.00 Emily Jones Dalton (GA) 0 0 0 4 0.00 Nii Codjoe* Dalton (GA) 0 0 0 1 0.00 Bart Stykes Daniel Boone A 0 0 0 2 0.00 Kevin Tamplen Daniel Boone B 0 0 0 2 0.00 Amanda Holley* David Crockett C 0 0 0 4 0.00 Gareth Van Camp* David Crockett C 0 0 0 4 0.00 Tina Birchfield* David Crockett C 0 0 0 4 0.00 Fleda Browley* Gibbs 0 0 0 1 0.00 Greg Cooper* Gibbs 0 0 0 1 0.00 Stephanie Pierce* Gibbs 0 0 0 2 0.00 Jada Isenhauer* Murray Co. (GA) A 0 0 0 3 0.00 Matthew Smith* Murray Co. (GA) A 0 0 0 4 0.00 Joseph Hurst* Murray Co. (GA) A 0 0 0 4 0.00 Tony Chu Norcross (GA) A 0 0 0 2 0.00 Lamar Bailey Rhea Co. 0 0 0 7 0.00 Kati Bailey Rhea Co. 0 0 0 3 0.00 Ashley Goll Ringgold (GA) A 0 0 0 2 0.00 Tommy White Rossview B 0 0 0 2 0.00 Chantelle Cherg* Westminster (GA) B 0 0 0 6 0.00 * Division II eligible ** Played in playoffs only
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