--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, rosaparks54 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> Why doesn't CBI get these people for NCT? Since when is aiding a
> noted (I'm guessing, I've never heard of this guy in my life.) civil
> rights worker only a black concern? Why isn't this brought to all
> the players in the country? Wouldn't that be a more effective way
> to combat Mr. Young's problems instead of the patronizing assumption
> that hmmm Young's black, these kids are black...BINGO! Problem
> solved!
I think the parenthetical remark in the first sentence is proof enough
of your ignorance, especially given that Andrew Young is now
associated with quite a bit more than the civil rights movement.
Given that indisputable fact, why the heck should quiz bowl veterans
in general (to whom Andrew Young's name would at least ring a bell)
concern themselves with the rest of your remarks, and HBCU quiz
bowlers in particular (and I assure you *they* know that name) want
you to speak on their behalf?
Enough said.