Andrew Young spent three terms in Congress, two terms as mayor of
Atlanta, and was US Ambassador to the UN, as well as other
achievements (such as helping run the 1996 Olympics and the United
Council of Churches). That certainly counts as being historically
-Jason Mueller
--- In, rosaparks54 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> > I think the parenthetical remark in the first sentence is proof
> enough
> > of your ignorance, especially given that Andrew Young is now
> > associated with quite a bit more than the civil rights movement.
> > Given that indisputable fact, why the heck should quiz bowl
> veterans
> > in general (to whom Andrew Young's name would at least ring a
> > concern themselves with the rest of your remarks, and HBCU quiz
> > bowlers in particular (and I assure you *they* know that name)
> > you to speak on their behalf?
> >
> > Enough said.
> #1: Now who's being anonymous.
> #2: I and everyone still don't know who Andrew Young is aside from
> someone who happened to be near MLK when he died. He's not really
> historically significant so far as anyone has shown. Jackass.
> RP