Hey All,
Several people have approached me with questions about this year's
edition of Chicago Open. I do plan on running the tournament, most
likely sometime in late June or early July. This would be earlier
than previous years, but that's the best time for me. If people have
a weekend preference, please e-mail me at suby10_at_... and let me
Several parties have also approached me with possible plans to run
various singles tournaments and another edition of Science
Monstrosity, so it might be a full weekend.
If and when you e-mail me to express interest and a preferred date,
please also express your preference for whether you want the
tournament to be packet submission or not. If it is packet
submission, I'd probably do something like last year, meaning I'll
accept all packets up till a month before the tournament and give
those teams a big discount (provided the packets are serviceable).
Unlike previous years, I will have some time in May and June, so
writing the tournament in it's entirety would not be a problem, if I
can get some help with science, which I should be able to do.