A few weeks ago, Wash U Academic Team held its elections for the
2005-06 year. Results follow.
President: Ryan Jacobson
Vice President: Jon Pinyan
Treasurer: Zachary Steinert-Threlkeld
Dir of Public Relations: Danny Bravman
Member at Large: Andrew Brantley
In terms of team contact, correspondence can still be sent to me at
pinyan _at_ gmail.com . Thus with Jay Turetzky on their email list should
replace him with either me or Ryan at rdjacobs _at_ wustl.edu
WUAT is also pleased to announce that we plan to host the 11th Annual
Gateway Invitational Tournament this fall. The date has not been
determined yet, but will likely be in November. Further details will
follow at a later date.
Jon Pinyan
WUAT Vice President