Our elections were about two weeks ago, but things have been busy down here, so
I'm posting a bit late.
Anywho, for those keeping score at home, the 2005-2006 slate o' officers for the
Oklahoma State University Quiz Bowl team is:
President: Lenzy Krehbiel
Vice President: James Cullin
Secretary: Carla Beckmann
Treasurer: Kara Cook
Webmaster: Crockett Cobb
Primary contact information stays the same-->lenzy.krehbiel at okstate dot edu.
Our fall 2005 tournament, the L.L. Lewis Cup: Naming Rights Not For Sale, is
tenatively scheduled for 24 September, pending packet assignment and no changes
in the football schedule. Results from the 2005 Oklahoma NAQT state championship
are available on our Web site, http://cwc.50g.com/osu.
Questions? Comments? Death threats?
Lenzy Krehbiel
OSUQB President, benevolent dictatress, etc.