Six teams met on Saturday in Boston for the fourteenth installment of Terrier
Tussle. Harvard finished first, with a record of 10-0, and earned a collection of
books, including an audio version of Al and Tipper Gore's "Joined at the
Heart". MIT finished in second place, with a record of 8-2, and earned a "grab
bag" of goodies, including a pair of flip-flops and some mix CDs. Top
individual scorers were:
1. Dan Suzman, Harvard - 65.00 ppg
2. Bobby, MIT - 61.00 ppg
3. Frank, Harvard - 53.00 ppg
4. Jeremiah, BU A - 48.00
5. Mark Coen, Hamburger University - 38.00
They received a wide variety of prizes, such as an Off-Broadway play book
including selections from David Mamet and Wallace Shawn, MC Hammer
CDs, and a wooden machete with "Puerto Rico" carved into it.
Special thanks to Matt Weiner, Eric Kwartler, and Jerry Vinokurov for a well-
edited question set. Thanks also to Mike Hoey-Lukakis and Steve Watchorn
for their moderating services, and to Mike and Mark Coen for their generous
donation of prizes. Stats will be posted on our web site (
qbowl) by tomorrow evening.
See you next year!
Nathan Bragg, Secretary, Boston University College Bowl