Players and Coaches --
NAQT's regular season tournament sets from 2005-2006 are now available for
purchase over its website. This includes Invitational Series 44, 45A, 46, 47A,
48, 49A, 50, and 51, as well as the collegiate Sectionals (DI and DII), and
If you have leftover "use it or lose it" money in your budget, please consider
acquiring some practice questions with which to train your future teams.
NAQT's online question-ordering form may be found here:
Please note that in the few states that still have events scheduled, any orders
for the sets used at those events will be delayed until that tournament's
If you have any questions about NAQT's products, including determining the most
appropriate sets for your team, please don't hesitate to contact us at
We can accept orders over our website, orders faxed to 413.473.1617, and orders
placed over the phone at 888.411.6278 (this last will get you an answering
service; either leave your order or a number at which we can call you back.)
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC