To the surprise of no one, UTC is hosting four tournaments this
summer. Amazingly, two of them are not packet submission -- our NAQT
HS NCT mirror on June 25 and our Muck Masters trash tournament on
August 6.
That still leaves two tournaments where we could certainly use
freelance help: Summer Camp, our trash tournament on June 26, and Moc
Masters, our open academic tournament on August 7. If you are
interested in freelancing for either or both, please e-mail me at
steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net for details. Anyone who submits 7/7
or equivalent for either tournament will in return get a full set from
that tournament, or another UTC tournament of your choice. (This
assumes I get the submission at least one week in advance of the
tournament in question.)
Speaking of which, if I owe you questions from Moon Pie or RC Cola,
please remind me and I'll get 'em to you. Thanks.