As I'd guessed, we now have several more teams expected for the
upcoming tournament weekend at UTC. Below are the fields as I have
them. Reminder: If you have a clever team name, pass it along so I
can include it when I make schedules. I will wait till the 11th hour
to make schedules (a lesson I learned long ago.) There's still room
if you want to bring a team. Or if you want to attend as a free
agent, let me know and I'll pass the word. E-mail me at steinhic
[at] bellsouth [dot] net with any updates, changes, etc.
Reminder to trash team tournaments: I do need questions. Thus far I
have actually received just one team-submitted packet. I do have
some freelance material, but if I don't get more from the actual
teams, it's gonna be a really short tournament.
NAQT HIGH SCHOOL NCT MIRROR (academic tournament, open to high
school/college/graduate/dropout/whatever, Sat. 6/25)
12 -14 teams:
Virginia Tech/Spotswood HS/alums -- 3 teams
Rossview HS/alums -- 2 teams
Doug & Kelli from Florida
UTC/alums [no, not including me]
Tennessee alums [not including me either]
G. Bobo et al.
Macon St.
C. Money + Campbell HS alums
?Fisher Catholic/alums
?T. Michael et al.
SUMMER CAMP (trash tournament, open, Sun. 6/26)
6-7 teams:
Macon State
M. Kearney at al.
Rossview alums -- 2 teams
?T. Michael et al.