On Jul 12, 2005, at 2:42 PM, jsridhar119 wrote:
> Just working on paperwork for the University of Miami's new College
> bowl team (this time I'm really doing it :-P)! Three questions for the
> wise old men who roam these annals:
> 1) Is there any national organization that I should have the team
> affiliated with?
It's likely unwise to officially affiliate yourself; I doubt that any
of the organizations even allow this, except for (possibly) CBI.
Other than CBI - and our team doesn't play CBI, so I really don't
know - certainly none of them require any affiliation.
> 2) Does anyone have a club constitution that I can leech off of? :-)
Many of the teams will have these on their websites, which you can
use the Maize Pages to get to. You can certainly use our bylaws if
you like (http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/college-bowl/bylaws.html).
> 3) Is there any way to get a list of any former high school players
> who enrolled at U of M in past years?
Try Dwight Kidder's list (http://www.fraughtmachine.com/efcontact/);
it's about the best thing I know of.
> Thanks all,
> Jay