As promised, here are the details for packet submission for ACF Fall 2005. The schedule for packet submission will be as follows: Note: Packets must be submitted by 11:59 PM on the specified days. August 26th â€" Minus $40 September 9th â€" Minus $20 September 23rd â€" Minus $10 October 7th â€" No Penalty October 14th â€" Plus $10 October 21st â€" Plus $20 October 28th â€" Plus $40 The packet distribution for this year's tournament is: Literature 5/5 History 5/5 Science 5/5 Religion, Mythology and Philosophy 3/3 Fine Arts 3/3 Social Science 1/1 Geography 1/1 Your Choice (may be trash) 1/1 Total: 24/24 Teams that are new to ACF may write 10/10 of their choice, but are encouraged to attempt a full packet. The ACF Fall editors will also be offering feedback on packets submitted on or before the no penalty deadline. Teams that would like feedback should say so in their packet-submission email. More specific requirements for each category are as follows: Literature 5/5: 3/3 should be American or British Literature, while 2/2 should be European or World Literature. Out of the 5/5, 1/1 should be on poetry and 1/1 should be on drama. Please be sure to vary geographically within Europe and the rest of the world, and no more than three total questions should come from any given century. History 5/5: 2/2 american, 2/2 european, 1/1 nonwestern. No more than 1 from the same European country or nonwestern civilization. At least 1/1 European must be post-1500. Of your 10 total history questions, no more than 3 should be primarily on military history. Of your 10 total history questions, no more than 3 may be primarily about any one century. Questions to which the answer is not the name of a battle or a person are encouraged. Science 5/5: 1/1 from each of the big three sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), and 2/2 your choice (including minor science categories and science biography/history). No more than 2/2 total should come from any given area of science. Religion, Mythology and Philosophy 3/3: 1/1 from each of the three subcategories. There should be no more than 1 question each on Judeo-Christian Religion, Classical Mythology and Ancient Philosophy. Fine Arts 3/3: 1/1 Painting, 1/1 Classical Music and 1/1 sculpture, architecture, ballet, opera or jazz (or any combination of the above). Social Science: No more than one question should come from any given area of social science. Geography: Do not write both questions on any one political or physical feature, such as rivers, bodies of water, mountains, cities etc. Also, please do not write both questions on the same area of the world. All packets should be submitted to ekwartler at gmail dot com. Packets must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. The text should be in size 10 Times New Roman Font. Do not number your questions or use tabs or any other mechanism that can trigger auto-formatting in word except for smart quotes and apostrophes. Do not put page breaks between blocks of questions. Please sort your questions by category. The answers to tossups should be preceded by "ANSWER: " and should have the required portions in bold and underlined. Please do not use bold or underlining in any part of any question that is not the answer. Bonus parts should be preceded by [point value] , and answers should be treated as specified above for tossups. At the top of the packet please write the name of the institution you represent and the names of the packet authors in bold. Please note that these formatting requirements are different from those imposed heretofore. If you don't meet these formatting requirements, we will charge you a $20 dollar formatting penalty. Finally, ACF would like to remind its participants that its Fall tournament is designed to be accessible, and urge those writing packets to err on the side of too easy rather than too difficult. If you have any questions about any of the above information, feel free to email me at ekwartler at gmail dot com. Looking forward to receiving all of your packets, Eric Kwartler Tournament Coordinator, ACF Fall 2005
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