To any interested teams:
The Truman State University Academic Competition Organization (TSU
ACO) wish to invite all teams to Brainal Leakage 3¾: Shootout at
Hazel Creek Lake, to be held Jan. 29, 2006, in the friendly confines
of Violette Hall on Truman State's campus in beautiful Kirksville,
Missouri (now free of mayors under investigation for arson!). This
tournament will feature home-grown questions and be styled after
NAQT—powers, negs, and all.
Variety will be as follows:
20% History
20% Science
20% Literature
32% Liberal Arts
Pay structure is as follows:
$80 base fee
-$10 per working buzzer set
-$5 per every hundred miles traversed over 200 miles.
$50 minimum fee
Additional teams are $50 each.
As the tournament date draws near, we will consider updating a page
on our Web site with up to the minute information. Significant
updates will also be posted here, including when two new lanes of
U.S. Highway 63 open south to Columbia.
If interested, please contact either myself (Kyle Hill) at atlashill
at yahoo dot com or our Grand Chahee, Paul Strauss, at prs734 at
truman dot edu.
Truman State ACO look forward to seeing your team January 29.
Kyle Hill
TSU ACO Exchequer