Ladies and Gentlemen:
The University of Kentucky is considering hosting a tournament on
Saturday January 28th 2006. Before we make anything official we would
like to see how much interest there would be in this event. The format
of the tournament will be ACF; which means each round will consist of
20 pyramid style tossups worth 10 points each (note: if a player
buzzes in before a question is over and incorrectly answers the
question he/she will net his/her team -5 points). For each correctly
answered tossup a team will receive a multi-part bonus worth 30 points
(note: there are no bounce-back bonuses, i.e. the bonus belongs to the
team who correctly answered the tossup). We are looking for at least
20 teams to attend and the base fee will be around $70 (discounts will
be offered for bringing a functional buzzer system, additional teams
from each school, and for providing readers, if necessary).
Note: A full announcement will follow after we have determined how
many teams are interested in coming.
Therefore, if you think that your school would like to attend this
event please email me at lawagetas_at_....
Gerald Patton