Boston University College Bowl is pleased to announce that we will be
hosting a mirror of F.O.G.H.A.T., an open trash tournament, on Sunday,
October 23, 2005. This is, of course, the day after MIT's Beaver
Bonspiel (details can be found here:, making for one heck
of a fun-filled weekend of quizbowl. Here's what you need to know:
General info on FOGHAT:
Registration: email qbowl_at_...
Packet Requirement: None
Fee structure:
Base fee: $60 for the first team from a particular school
Flat fee of $30 for second and subsequent teams
Discounts on the base fee:
-$5 for a working buzzer system (max of 2)
-$10 if you are coming from over 200 miles away
-$10 if no member of your team has played at a BUCB-hosted tournament
in the last 12 months
The tournament should provide hours of good, wholesome fun, as well as
a chance for players to hone their skills prior to TRASH Regionals:
New England (which will be at BU on 11/12). We hope to see you on the
Nathan Bragg, Exchequer, BUCB