The Southwest's incarnation of ACF Fall will take place on Saturday,
November 12th, 2005 at UT-Dallas. TRASH Regionals will follow on
Sunday, November 13th. There are separate fee schedules for teams
attending only ACF, teams attending only TRASH, and teams attending
both. They are as follows:
ACF Fall only:
$80 Base Fee
-$10 per used buzzer
-$10 per used moderator
-$10 per subsequent team
Minimum Fee - $30
TRASH Regionals only:
$80 Base Fee
-$10 per used buzzer
-$10 per used moderator
-$10 per subsequent team
Minimum Fee - $50
ACF Fall and TRASH Regionals:
$130 Base Fee
-$10 per used buzzer (One discount for both tournaments)
-$10 per used moderator (One discount for each tournament moderated)
-$10 per subsequent team
Minimum Fee - $80
All teams attending only ACF Fall or both tournaments are also subject
to ACF's packet penalties/discounts. Details about the tournament
location will follow at a later date. If you have any questions
please direct them to ekwartler at gmail dot com. Hope to see all you
SW teams there!
Eric Kwartler
Tournament Director, ACF Fall and TRASH Regionals - Southwest Region.