Okay, I can see where mirrors of a tournament might be better attended than the original
event. But the idea that FOGHAT at Northwestern could have a smaller field than all of the
Rolla incarnations...that's just unconscionable.
Because I love each and every one of you, I will go out on a limb and make you a
guarantee. It is this: Evanston is *at least as fun as Rolla.* Yes. This is my personal vow to
you. I know it's hard to believe. There's no small-scale Stonehenge replica. Or bowling
alleys. Or billboards that just say JESUS. But we've had bars for many years now, and they
don't even make you buy food anymore; and no one's been shot in one for, oh, almost five
months now. There is also overpriced ice cream with those trendy mixins. Or you can
venture into the big city and see Marshall Crenshaw on 10/21 or 22.