Wake Forest University quiz bowl is pleased to announce that we will
be hosting a mirror of the Illinois Open on Saturday, November 5,
2005. Please refer to post 15702 for more information. Here is our
fee structure:
$60 base
$15 discount for bringing one or more buzzer systems
$15 discount for being over 250 miles away
$10 discount for bringing one or more moderators.
Any teams wishing to register please e-mail whaples at wfu dot edu
(whaples_at_...) for more information.
Any teams wishing to contribute question packets (following the format
prescribed in post 15702) are encouraged to do so. Please email the
pakcets to msorice at uiuc dot edu <msorice_at_...>. Please note,
the directly preceding email (msorice...) is that of the Illinois Open
coordinator, not us at WFU.
Thanks. Hopefully we can make this a successful mirror with your help.
Ross Williford
(on behalf of the WFU Quiz Bowl)