For those of you in the mid-atlantic region who wanted to go to
technophobia but could not due to the 6-hr flight, cost, or both,
fret no more! We intend to bring the warmth, the sand, and
caltech's intellectual manpower to Rutgers-newark on nov. 19th.
Well, not really, but we will host Technophobia X that day, which is
almost as good.
Since Technophobia is on Oct. 29th and our mirror is three weeks
later, questions are not to be discussed until after the mirror has
taken place. Please be careful about this. (and since it's a mirror,
there's obviously no packet requirement).
Here is a breakdown of fees:
Base Fee: $100
Second and subsequent teams: -$10
Working buzzer system: -$10 each
Experienced moderator: -$10
Please let me know if you're interested and if you plan to send
teams. Buzzers and moderators will be greatly appreciated. Refer to for detailed information about
the original tournament. Like the original, the mirror will be an
open tournament.
If you have any questions, email me at shah[dot]ali[at]gmail[dot]com
Shah Ali
Tournament Director
(Rutgers-Newark Academic Team)