Emmet wrote: "sorry if i offended. i was just
jokingly pointing out that most new jerseyans go to school
out of state...rutgers is definitely a quality
institution (as i know, having taken advantage of it in
highschool for research, etc), but it could be better if
more people from middlesex co. and nj decided to go
I know I wasn't offended, mainly because I'm one of
the many NJ (and Middlesex county, for that matter)
that passed over Rutgers to go out of state. However,
it is good to see a quiz bowl program rejuvenated
there since there are definitely a number of good
players over the years that have come from the good ol'
Garden State. There had to be some that were still left
in state.
Here's an interesting question,
though. How many of the top players on the college
circuit are/were NJ natives? There is a decent HS
circuit, but it doesn't seem to be the machine it is in
other parts of the country.