we will be at gateway and at trashionals, we will have
at least one team if not two and we can bring a buzzer
--- Jon <jonpin85_at_...> wrote:
> Washington University Academic Team is pleased to
> announce the 11th
> edition of our Gateway Invitational Tournament on
> Saturday, November
> 19, 2005. We're using NAQT packet IS-56 and NAQT
> rules, but untimed
> matches. Entry fee is as follows:
> $65 base fee
> $10 off for buzzer/moderator
> $10 off for a long trip (300+ miles according to
> Google Maps)
> Additional teams: $50
> Minimum fee per team: $45
> If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at
> pinyan AT gmail
> DOT com .
> Also, the day after GIT XI, we will again be hosting
> Midwest TRASH
> Regionals. Tournament Director Sean Phillips will be
> posting with more
> details shortly.
> Jon Pinyan
> WUAT Vice President / Stat Boy
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