TRASH Regionals Midsouth will be held at UT-Chattanooga on Sat., Nov. 12, 2005. At the moment I am expecting 10 teams. We have room for more, but I do need to make a schedule, so PLEASE let me know by Thursday night if you plan to attend. Also, if you are available as a free agent, or if you have a partial team looking for free agent help, let me know and I'll help you make connections. (Side plug: we are also still accepting teams for the 13th annual TrashMasters, held Sat.-Sun., Dec. 3-4 at UTC.) You'll find the expected field listed below, but first a recap of the tournament details: ELIGIBILITY: Anyone is eligible, except of course for the folks who wrote the questions -- that would kind of take the suspense out of it. SCHEDULE: Registration will begin at 9 AM Sat., Nov. 12, with announcements at 9:45 and play beginning at 10 AM. FEES (max): First team: $80 Second team: $60 Additional teams from the same school: $40 each Minimum fee after all discounts: $20 per team DISCOUNTS: Working buzzer: $10 each Competent moderator: $15 each Travel discount (100+ miles): $10 per team Any team making its TRASH debut at TRASH Regionals 2005 plays for only $20. Also, any team also playing in the ACF Fall tournament at UT- Knoxville on Sun. 11/13 gets $10 off at TRASH Regionals. Finally, TRASH is also offering the "Trebekian discount" in honor of the 2005 Jeopardy! Ultimate Tournament of Champions. Any team that features at least one player from the UTOC plays for only $20. (And we do have at least one such team attending.) DIRECTIONS: Come towards downtown Chattanooga on I-24. Take the freeway splitoff labeled US 27 North - Downtown Chattanooga. Follow US 27 North to Exit 1A, 4th St. (Don't worry about which way to turn on 4th St. - it only goes one way.) Follow 4th St.about ½ mile. Shortly after you see the McKenzie (UTC) Arena on your right, 4th St. will bear slightly left and merge with 3rd St. Once you pass the cemetery on your right, turn at the 2nd street to the right, Palmetto St. Go two blocks and turn right on Vine St. Follow it to the last available parking lot on your right before the road is closed. Grote Hall is the building closest to that parking lot; enter at the back door by the dumpster. Tournament headquarters is Grote 129. FIELD EXPECTED: Please note that we need clever trashy team names if you haven't already provided them... Berry alums Georgia Georgia Perimeter College -- 3 teams (George's Political Cronies, Game Piece Council, and Guitar Players Convention) Hendry et al. Rhodes College Shorter College -- 2 teams UTC WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE: Oh, *him* again. Tournament director for all three events will be Charlie Steinhice. Contact me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net for further details, or call me on my cell phone at (423) 504-8255
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