Screw Hoops! Buy my CD! (Mike Hoey-Lukakis, Delano Barnes, Josh Levit,
Steve Watchorn) ended up on top with a record of 11-2 at Saturday's TRASH
Regionals at BU. Brandeis A finished 2nd and NYU B took 3rd (both with 10-
3 records; the teams both won one game against the other, but Brandeis A
had more total points), with Gerbil Gerbil, Bang Bang rounding out the upper
bracket with a 9-4 record. Top individual scorers were:
1. ZD (Jason Zuffranieri), Modest Mice - 61.54 PPG
2. Mehrun Etebari, Brandeis B - 39.62 PPG
3. Ted Stratton, Brandeis A - 33.85 PPG
4. Allen Iverson (Mike H-L), Screw Hoops! Buy my CD! - 33.85 PPG
5. Charles Barkley (Steve Watchorn) Screw Hoops! Buy my CD! - 32.31 PPG
6. Jon Couture, Gerbil Gerbil, Bang Bang - 32.31 PPG
7. Natasha Fatale, NYU A - 31.15 PPG
8. Bruce Dickinson (D.J. Schepker) - 26.92 PPG
9. Nice Guy Eddie, BC B - 26.82 PPG
10. Allyson Harper-Nixon, Gerbil Gerbil, Bang Bang - 26.15 PPG
More complete stats will be posted soon on our website. Thanks to everyone
who helped out, including Mark and Sarah Coen, Tricia Voda, Patrick Layden,
Jack Brounstein, Soren Hessler, and Carissa Moore, as well as the TRASH
Nathan Bragg