Hello all,
The University of Oklahoma is hosting a hybrid tournament on February 25, which will combine ACF-level academic quetions with TRASH questions. Whoever said that ACF and TRASH don't mix? Everyone is welcome to participate and we have high hopes that this years packets will prove more accessible for all players. Unlike last year's tournament, the packets will not be themed, which many of us hope will make for a better distribution and a lack of bonuses about Kenyan marathon runners. The fee structure is as follows:
I. Base fee: $80
II. Buzzer discount: -$5 per working buzzer system
III. Travel discount: -$5 per 200 miles traveled one way (as determined by Mapquest)
IV. Rookie discount: -$5 if your team has not participated in a tournament at the University of Oklahoma since 2001.
V. Additional teams: -$20 for each team from a single school after the first
VI. Minimum fee: $55
We hope to have enough teams so that we can divide them into two brackets based on experience. The deadline for registration is Thursday, February 23. If you have any questions contact me at dakarkra [at] yahoo [dot] com. Hope to see you in February.
Jeremy Hixson
OAT Vice-President
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