Yale Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce Bulldog High School Academic
Tournament XV (BHSAT), which will take place on February 18, 2006.
BHSAT annually features a number of top teams from around the country.
As in the past, the questions will be written and edited by members of
the Yale Quiz Bowl team.
This is the fee structure for the tournament:
Base fee: $75
Working buzzer system: -$10
Moderator: -$10
Second, third, etc. team from a school: -$5 each
Minimum fee per team: $50
In addition, you can purchase a set of this year's BHSAT questions for
only $15. Purchase requests sent on or before February 4, 2006 will
allow you to take a set home with you the day of the tournament.
Requests sent after that date will be filled by mail after the
Please make checks payable to: Y. Student Academic Competitions
(Please do NOT make checks out to Yale Student Academic Competitions)
For more information or to request a registration form, please e-mail to
andrew . uzzell _at_ yale . edu
Please send registration forms and payment to:
Yale Student Academic Competitions
P. O. Box 207092
New Haven, CT 06520-7092
(847) 212-9971
Mike Wehrman