This is the full announcement for the Marvelous Academic Themed Tournament of Excellence (MATTE) to be held in Chicago on May 21st, 2006. I, Eric Kwartler, will be head editor, and Paul Reverdy will be editing science. The packet format will be as follows: Submissions should be 17/17 and should either be all on one subject (Drunkenness in Literature, etc) or should have an overarching theme (say, "Christopher," where every question is either about a christopher or more likely contains a clue about someone named christopher) and follow this distribution 4/4 Literature 4/4 History 2/2 RMP 2/2 Fine Arts 1/1 Social Science 1/1 Trash 3/3 Your Choice (may include science, please vary your choice subjects at least somewhat) Any player (regardless of team affiliation) can submit a packet. The author of each packet will simply sit out when his packet is read, leaving his teammates to play on it. This brings me to the reason for submissions being only 17/17, which is twofold. 1) If we play on 15/15 packets, we can play more games and accomodate the glut of packets that will most likely be submitted by individual players. 2) Since the packets have themes, packet writers may reach a point at which they are reaching for answers. Keeping the packet length down will hopefully keep the number of extraneous questions to a minimum. Remember, packets must be blind to all other players at the tournament (including your teammates). Before you start writing packets, please contact me with the subject of your packet. I want to make sure there are no repeats and that all packets are on appropriate subjects. Once you have done that, please try to have the packet in ASAP. At the latest I would like packets in by May 7th, which leaves plenty of time after ACF/NAQT nationals to write 17/17. The charge per team will be $40. It is a flat fee; no packet discounts will be given. I think $40 is more than affordable for a four person team, and since almost every team will have at least one member that submitted a packet, you can consider the discounts already incorporated. Also, I am open to the possibility of mirrors, so if you are interested in mirroring MATTE or have any questions at all about what's above, please contact me at ekwartler at gmail dot com. Hope to see you all there, Eric Kwartler
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