Hey all- The field for MLK 2006 currently stands as follows: Chicago A Chicago B Chicago C Chicago D Chicago E Pitt A Pitt B Pitt C Pitt D MSU (Michigan State) A MSU B Rochester A Rochester B Team Lafer/Wolpert Jews Without Money (Jerry, Jason) Bowling Green State University UIUC We definitely want as many more teams to attend the tournament as we can get, so everybody send in your registrations! I know there are some teams out there who are going to come whom I haven't heard from yet, and we would love to have you at the tournament, so just let us know your plans. Also, if everyone could please get packets to Ryan ASAP so we can do the best and most complete editing job possible. PLEASE NOTE: Ryan Westbrook and Adam Kemezis have reached an agreement. Basically, it goes like this: Adam agrees that MLK 2006 will be an UNTIMED ACF-Style tournament. That's right, no time clocks for us this year. However, in return for that concession, Ryan agrees to keep the prelim packet difficulty very reasonable so that the questions will be undeniably accessible for all teams, though still pyramidal, challenging, and thorough enough to reward teams with the most knowledge. That is all. See everybody in January! David Rappaport
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