We hope that your calendar is still clear for Jan. 28, 2006. Again,
the Academic Competition Organization at Truman State University in
Kirksville, Missouri, will host our third installment of Brainal
Leakage, entitled "Shootout at Hazel Creek Lake". Questions are
home-grown and follow NAQT style, power, negs, and all. Fees, as
posted in September, are the same and as follows:
$80 base fee
-$10 for a working buzzer set
-$5 per 200 miles travelled
$50 minimum fee
$50 per additional team
Again, question variety as follows:
20% History
20% Science
20% Literature
32% Liberal Arts
Further updates will be posted as they arise.
Please contact either myself (atlashill at yahoo dot com) or our Grand
Chahee, Paul Strauss (prs734 at truman dot edu) to register or for
more information.
The ACO at Truman look forward to seeing you Jan. 28.
Kyle Hill
ACO Exchequer