The University of Rochester Thelion Society is pleased to announce we
will host our annual Flower City Invitational tournament for high
school teams on Saturday, February 18th, 2006, on the lovely River
Campus in perhaps less lovely Rochester, NY.
The FCI will be an official NAQT event using questions from NAQT
Invitational Series #58 and will qualify for NAQT's High School
National Championship Tournament. The tournament will be directed by
Eric Keihl.
Tournament fees will be as follows:
Base Fee: US $90
100-199 miles traveled: -$10
200-299 miles traveled: -$15
300+miles traveled: -$20
Buzzers: -$5/set
Moderators: -$10/moderator
Multiple teams: -$10/team (2nd team 80, third 70, so on)
Minimum fee: $40/team
E-mail Eric at ekeihl [at] mail [dot] rochester [dot] edu to register
or with any questions or comments. We look forward to hosting you at
the FCI!