Yes friends, the lost semester notwithstanding we're back. Tulane will field a team this semester despite having its members scattered to the four winds. Not only that, said team will probably be competing in a few tournaments and hosting our annual high school tournament. Now comes the bad news: Our president from last year graduated, and the president we elected to replace him wound up in Chicago via a long story, so the new leadership is somewhat unfamiliar with the entire process. We hope to compete in the NAQT and ACF regionals at Georgia and UTC, respectively, but really are not sure how to register, where our buzzers are (we think Chicago) and whether we'll be able to get the funds and vans we need to travel. That's not including the question of writing a complete packet, which a couple of these require, and other such minor details. I realize this is not what most of these posts entail but I'm really gonna have to just offer this plea for a little help right now. If you're running these tournaments, you know we're more or less good kids who show up, pay, bring buzzers, etc. So please shoot me an email if you're running one of these tournaments (or another one we usually compete in) and give us a hand as we try to get back on our feet here. Thanks. Bryan Cole Tulane College Bowl Treasurer
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