Greetings, everyone! Here is the updated roster of teams for the
upcoming NAQT South SCT at the University of Tulsa...
Division I
Harding: 1 team (UG)
Kansas State: 1 team (Grad)
Oklahoma: 1 team (Grad)
Rolla: 1 team
Division II
Harding: 1 team
Kansas State: 2 teams
Oklahoma: 2 teams
Oklahoma State: 2-3 teams
Rolla: 1-2 teams
Unconfirmed Teams
Arkansas-Little Rock: 1 team (DI Grad)
Southwestern Oklahoma State: 1 team
MIA Teams (Still waiting to hear from you)
Northwestern Oklahoma State
Southeastern Oklahoma State
Kansas State: 2/?/?
Rolla: 1/1/1
There is still plenty of room and plenty of time to register. If you
would like to register, or if you have any questions, please feel
free to e-mail me. And just to remind everyone, the deadline to
register is Saturday February 4th at 11:59pm CST. Until then...
Angelo Malabanan
President - TU Academic Bowl Team
Tournament Director - 2006 NAQT South SCT
E-mail: angelo-malabanan_at_...