This is the short and sweet announcement for the William Wirt Memorial
Open, which will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park
on March 4. The tournament will be held in Jimenez (the usual building).
Questions will be provided by the writing team of Matt Weiner, Dan
Passner, and Paul Litvak. No packet submission is required. Question
difficulty will be moderate, in the neighborhood of NAQT Sectionals
and ACF Regionals, and question style will be ACF.
The tournament will be open to all teams, including masters teams, but
aims to be enjoyable for the average collegiate team.
To register, please mail Roman Garnet at romanempire_at_...
[romanempire (at) gmail (dot) com].
Base team fee: $80
Fee for second, third, etc teams from the same school: $70
Buzzer discount: -$5 off first team's fee for each set with eight
working activators
Travel discount for teams representing schools: -$20 for schools more
than 300 miles away according to Mapquest (one way, -$5 per person
more than 300 miles away, for masters teams)
If you have any questions, feel free to email Roman or me
( [crettere (at) umd (dot) edu], but only email me
with questions - send all registrations to Roman).
- Casey